Supports Urinary Tract Health

Auribery Plus is an advanced formulation of gut acting probiotics enriched with Cranberry extract to support Urinary Tract Health and reduce UTI symptoms like pH, inflammation etc.
Segment: Human OTC
Type: Capsule
Category: Other Specialty
Packaging: 30, 60 and 90 Capsules Container
Each 500 mg Capsule contains:
Lactobacillus acidophilis 0.25 billion
Lactobacillus Plantarum 0.25 billion
Cranberry extract
(Proanthocyanidins will be 1.8%) 18 mg instead of 25%
Retinyl acetate (Vitamin A) 160 mcg
FOS 100 mg
Reports suggest that Vaccinium macrocarpon extract supplementation supports Urinary Tract Health.
Auribery is a natural plant active health supplement with technologically advanced bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology enriched with gut friendly probiotics and Vitamin A.
1 capsule twice daily during post lunch/dinner. Or as directed by qualified healthcare professional. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
Green Tea Nanophosphosome®
Auricam is a green tea supplement, a nano-emulsified EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallates) Phosphatidyl Choline-Serine-Ethanolamine complex enriched with Bioenhancer and Metabolic Potentiator technology. Auricam (Green tea Nanophosphosome) contains polyphenols i.e EGCG and caffeine, easily crosses the gut barrier resulting in significantly higher blood level. Potentiated phospholipid complex acts as carrier mediated transport system, which directs the EGCG and caffeine to reach the systemic circulation and also increases its absorption and bioavailability. Bioenhancer and Metabolic activator technology enhances the passive diffusion and active transport mechanism through intestinal microvilli to improve EGCG and caffeine absorption as well prevents its metabolic reduction through inhibition of P-gp efflux pump, CYP3AG and UGT.
Segment: Human OTC
Type: Capsule
Category: Other Specialty
Packaging: 30, 60 and 90 Capsules Container
1 capsule
Green tea Nanophosphosome ® (Auricam®)
Green tea Phosphatidylcholine-
Ethanolamine-Inositol-Serine complex 300 mg
EGCG, minimum 50 mg
Daily Value not established * Fortified with Caffeine & Piperine
Other ingredients: Calcium Carbonate, Permitted class II preservative.
Reports suggest that consuming green tea extract helps in weight loss management. Auricam is a Nanophosphosome form of green tea with technologically advanced bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology.
2 capsules daily once or in divided doses. Or as directed by qualified healthcare professional. Better results observed in empty stomach or 1 hr interval from food intake. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
Curcumin Nanophosphosome®


Auricur is Turmeric supplement, a nano-emulsified Curcumin Phosphatidyl Choline-Serine-Ethanolamine complex enriched with Bioenhancer and Metabolic Potentiator technology. Auricur (Curcumin Nanophosphosome) easily crosses the gut barrier resulting in significantly higher blood levels of Curcumin. Potentiated phospholipid complex acts as carrier mediated transport system, which directs the Curcumin to reach the systemic circulation and also increases it’s absorption and bioavailability. Bioenhancer and Metabolic potentiator technology enhances the permeability of intestinal microvilli and improves Curcumin absorption as well prevents it’s metabolic reduction through inhibition of P-gp, CYP3AG and UGT.


Segment: Human OTC


Type: Capsule , Tablet


Category: Immunomodulator , Other Specialty


Packaging: 30, 60 and 90 tablet/Capsules Container
1 Film coated tablet /Capsule
Curcumin Nanophosphosome® (Auricur®)
Curcumin Phosphatidylcholine-
Ethanolamine-Inositol-Serine complex 210 mg
Curcuminoids, minimum 95 mg
Daily Value not established * Fortified with Turmerone and Piperine
Other ingredients: Calcium carbonate, Permitted class II preservative.
Reports suggest that Curcumin supplementation improves immunity & respiratory health, facilitates recovery during pain, inflammation, Rheumatoid arthritis and helps in wound healing.
Auricur® is a Nanophosphosome®  form of Curcumin with technologically advanced bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology.
1 tablet/capsule twice daily with warm milk/water (morning/evening). Or as directed by qualified healthcare professional. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
Curcumin Nanophosphosome®  With Tinospora Cordifolia Extract
Auricur Plus is a synergistic combination of Curcumin Nanophosphosome® (a nano-emulsified Curcumin Phosphatidyl Choline-Serine-Ethanolamine complex) and Tinospora cordifolia with technologically advanced bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology. Bioenhancer and metabolic activator technology enhances the passive diffusion and active transport mechanism through intestinal microvilli to improve Tinospora cordifolia absorption as well prevents its metabolic reduction through inhibition of P-gp efflux pump, ATPase activity, CYP3A4, CYP3AG and UGT.
Segment: Human OTC
Type: Capsule
Category: Immunomodulator , Other Specialty
Packaging: 30, 60 and 90 Capsules Container
1 Capsule
Curcumin Nanophosphosome®
and Tinospora cordifolia
*(Auricur®Plus) (Curcumin
complex) 210 mg
Tinospora cordifolia extract 100 mg
Curcuminoids 95 mg
Alkaloids and Diterpenoid Bitters 10 mg
Daily Value not established
*Fortified with Turmerone, Piperine and
Cuminum cyminum
Other ingredients: Calcium carbonate,
Permitted class II preservative.
Reports suggest that Curcumin and Tinospora cordifolia supplementation improves immunity, facilitates recovery during pain, inflammation, Rheumatoid arthritis, helps in wound healing & Diabetes management.
Auricur® Plus is a combination of Curcumin Nanophosphosome and Tinospora cordifolia with technologically advanced bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology.
1 tablet/capsule twice daily with warm milk/water (morning/evening). Or as directed by qualified healthcare professional. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
Withania somnifera Extract

Aurigandha is an Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) based natural health supplement enriched with bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology. Bioenhancer and Metabolic activator technology enhances the passive diffusion and active transport mechanism through intestinal microvilli to improve Withanolides, Withaferin A and Withanosides absorption as well prevents it’s metabolic reduction through inhibition of P-gp efflux pump, CYP3AG and UGT.

Segment: Human OTC

Type: Capsule

Category: Other Specialty

Packaging: 30, 60 and 90 Capsules Container
1 Capsule
Withania somnifera extract 150 mg
Withanolides 12 mg
Daily Value not established
* Fortified with Piperine & Carum carvi
Reports suggest that supplementation of Withania somnifera alkaloids enhance energy metabolism to improve performance and health condition, augments immunity, improves the recovery from pain and inflammation especially during Rheumatoid arthritis condition, helps in reducing stress and anxiety related disorders.
Aurigandha is a natural plant active health supplement form of Withania somnifera with bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology.
1 capsule twice daily during post lunch/dinner. Or as directed by qualified healthcare professional. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
Silybum marianum and Andrographis paniculata Nanophosphosome®


Auriliv is a synergistic combination of Silybum marianum and Andrographis paniculata Nanophosphosome (a nano-emulsified Silymarin-Andrographolide Phosphatidyl Choline-Serine-Ethanolamine complex) with technologically advanced bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology. Bioenhancer and metabolic activator technology enhances the passive diffusion and active transport mechanism through intestinal microvilli to improve actives’ absorption as well prevents their metabolic reduction through inhibition of P-gp efflux pump, ATPase activity, CYP3A4, CYP3AG and UGT.


Segment: Human OTC


Type: Capsule


Category: Liver Stimulant , Other Specialty


Packaging: 30, 60 and 90 Capsules Container
1 Capsule
Silybum marianum and
Andrographis paniculata
Nanophosphosome® (Auriliv)
Inositol-Serine complex) 325 mg
Silymarin 100 mg
Andrographolides 10 mg
Daily Value not established
* Fortified with Piperine and Carum carvi
Other ingredients: Calcium carbonate,
Permitted class II preservative.
Reports suggest that Silymarin and Andrographis paniculata supplementation supports liver health (hepatoprotective) and reduces the risk of liver disorders like Fatty Liver Syndrome.
AurilivTM is a Silybum marianum and Andrographis paniculata Nanophosphosome® with technologically advanced bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology.
1 capsule twice daily. Or as directed by qualified healthcare professional. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
Curcumin Nanophosphosome®  with Boswellia serrata Extract


Aurijoint is a synergistic combination of Curcumin Nanophosphosome (a nano-emulsified Curcumin Phosphatidyl Choline-Serine-Ethanolamine complex) and Boswellic acid with technologically advanced bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology. Bioenhancer and metabolic activator technology enhances the passive diffusion and active transport mechanism through intestinal microvilli to improve absorption as well prevents metabolic reduction through inhibition of P-gp efflux pump, ATPase activity, CYP3A4, CYP3AG and UGT.


Segment: Human OTC


Type: Capsule


Category: Other Specialty


Packaging: 30, 60 and 90 Capsules Container

1 Capsule
Curcumin Nanophosphosome® and Boswellia serrata (Aurijoint®)
Curcumin Phosphatidylcholine-Ethanolamine-Inositol-Serine complex 250 mg
Boswellia serrata extract 50 mg
Curcuminoids 95 mg
Boswellic acid 37.5 mg

Daily Value not established
* Fortified with Turmerone and Piperine
Other ingredients: Calcium carbonate,
Permitted class II preservative.

Reports suggest that Curcumin and Boswellic acid supplementation facilitates recovery during pain, inflammation and Rheumatoid arthritis.
Aurijoint® is a combination of Curcumin Nanophosphosome® and Boswellia serrata with technologically advanced bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology.
1 capsule twice daily with warm milk/water (morning/evening). Or as directed by qualified healthcare professional. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
A Unique Probiotic Blend

Aurolac Forte is an advanced formulation of 4 gut acting probiotics enriched with Fructo oligosaccharide to improve digestion and gut health.

Segment: Human OTC

Type: Capsule

Category: Digestive , Other Specialty

Packaging: 30, 60 and 90 Capsules Container

Each 500 mg Capsule contains:
Lactobacillus crispatus 4 billion
Lactobacillus rhamnosus 4 billion
Lactobacillus johnsonii 0.8 billion
Lactobacillus gasseri 1.2 billion
FOS 100 mg

Digestives disturbances i.e. indigestion, diarrhea, constipation etc.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
1-2 capsule daily. Or as directed by qualified healthcare professional. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
Tinospora cordifolia Extract

Aurifolia is Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) based natural health supplement enriched with bioenhancer, and metabolic potentiator technology. Bioenhancer and metabolic activator technology enhances the passive diffusion and active transport mechanism through intestinal microvilli to improve Tinospora cordifolia absorption as well prevents its metabolic reduction through inhibition of P-gp efflux pump, ATPase activity and CYP3A4.

Segment: Human OTC

Type: Capsule

Category: Immunomodulator , Other Specialty

Packaging: 50 Capsules and 100 Capsules Container
1 Capsule
Tinospora cordifolia extract 250 mg
Alkaloids and Diterpenoid Bitters 12.5 mg
Fortified with Piperine and Cuminum cyminum
Reports suggest that supplementation of Tinospora cordifolia increases the activity of body’s immune system and helps in lowering the blood glucose levels .Aurifoliatm is a natural plant active health supplement with technologically advanced bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology.
1 capsule twice daily. Or as directed by qualified healthcare professional. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
Orodispersible Gut Acting Probiotic Food Supplement


AUROLAC PLUS is a delectable blend of 5 Gut Acting Probiotics to maintain intestinal pH, improve gut protection, promote healthy digestion and enhance gut immunity. AUROLAC PLUS improves biosynthesis of Vitamin B, Vitamin K & Folic acid. These gut acting probiotics produce bacteriocins to act against pathogenic microbes & reduces digestive disturbances.


Segment: Human OTC


Type: Powder


Category: Digestive , Other Specialty


Packaging: 2 g Sachet X 10 Sachet in one unit carton

Serving size 1 Packet (2g) Servings Per Container 10

Calories 6
Total Carbohydrate 1.75 gm

Blend of 5 gut acting probiotics 85 mg
(5 billion live cells)
Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus,
Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum,
Saccharomyces boulardii

Organic Inulin (FOS) (Fructooligosaccharides)

Other ingredients: Silicon dioxide

Digestive disturbances, i.e. indigestion, diarrhea, constipation etc.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
1 sachet in lukewarm water once or twice daily. Or as directed by qualified healthcare professionals. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
Grape skin Nanophosphosome®


AURITROL is a Grape skin supplement, a nano-emulsified Resveratrol Phosphatidyl Choline-Serine-Ethanolamine complex enriched with Bioenhancer and Metabolic Potentiator technology. AURITROL (Grape skin Nanophosphosome), a potentiated Phospholipid complex supports cognitive and memory function, and helps to improve the visual impairment, as it easily crosses the gut barrier resulting in significantly higher blood levels ultimately improve the cases of over weight patients suffering from Diabetes mellitus type II. The complex acts as carrier mediated transport system, which directs the Resveratrol to reach the systemic circulation and also increase it’s absorption and bioavailability. Bioenhancer and Metabolic potentiator technology enhances the permeability of intestinal microvilli and improves Resveratrol absorption as well prevents it’s metabolic reduction through inhibition of P-gp, CYP3AG and UGT.


Segment: Human OTC


Type: Capsule


Category: Other Specialty


Packaging: 30, 60 and 90 Capsules Container

1 Capsule
Grape Skin Nanophosphosome® (Auritrol®)
Resveratrol Phosphatidylcholine-
Ethanolamine-Inositol-Serine complex 142 mg
Resveratrol, minimum 50 mg
Daily Value not established * Fortified with Piperine
Other ingredients: Calcium carbonate, Permitted class II preservative.

Reports suggests that Resveratrol supplementation improves the recovery from macular degeneration, have Neuroprotective effects in Alzheimer, Huntington and Parkinson diseases, also promotes healthy blood sugar in overweight people.
Auritrol®  is a Grape skin Nanophosphosome® containing Resveratrol, with technologically advanced bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology.
1 capsule twice daily. Or as directed by qualified healthcare professional. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
Withania somnifera Nanophosphosome®
Aurisom is an Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) supplement, a nano-emulsified Withanolides Phosphatidyl Choline-Serine-Ethanolamine complex enriched with Bioenhancer and Metabolic Potentiator technology. Aurisom (Withania Somnifera Nanophosphosome) contains active principles i.e. Withanolides, Withaferin A and Withanosides that easily crosses the gut barrier resulting in significantly higher blood levels. Potentiated phospholipid complex acts as carrier mediated transport system, which directs the Withanolides, Withaferin A and Withanosides to reach the systemic circulation and also increases its absorption and bioavailability. Bioenhancer and Metabolic activator technology enhances the passive diffusion and active transport mechanism through intestinal microvilli to improve Withanolides, Withaferin A and Withanosides absorption as well prevents it’s metabolic reduction through inhibition of P-gp efflux pump, CYP3AG and UGT.
Segment: Human OTC
Type: Capsule , Tablet
Category: Other Specialty
Packaging: 30, 60 and 90  Tablets/Capsules Container
1 Enteric Coated Tablet/Capsule
Withania Somnifera Nanophosphosome® *(Aurisom®)
Withanolides Phosphatidylcholine-
Ethanolamine-Inositol-Serine complex 91 mg
Withanolides, minimum 12.5 mg
Daily Value not established * Fortified with Piperine & Carum carvi
Other ingredients: Calcium carbonate, Permitted class II preservative.
Reports suggest that supplementation of Withania somnifera alkaloids enhance energy metabolism to improve performance and health condition, augments immunity, improves the recovery from pain and inflammation especially during Rheumatoid arthritis condition, helps in reducing stress and anxiety related disorders.
Aurisom® is a Nanophosphosome® form of Withania somnifera with technologically advanced bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology.
1 tablet/capsule twice daily during post lunch/dinner or as directed by qualified healthcare professionals. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
Curcumin Extract


Curino is Turmeric based natural health supplement enriched with bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology. Bioenhancer and Metabolic potentiator technology enhances the permeability of intestinal microvilli and improves Curcumin absorption as well prevents it’s metabolic reduction through inhibition of P-gp, CYP3AG and UGT.


Segment: Human OTC


Type: Capsule


Category: Immunomodulator , Other Specialty


Packaging: 30, 60 and 90 Capsules Container

1 Capsule
Curcumin extract 100 mg
Curcuminoids 95 mg
Fortified with Turmerone, Piperine and Cuminum cyminum

Reports suggest that Curcumin supplementation improves immunity & respiratory health, facilitates recovery during pain, inflammation, Rheumatoid arthritis and helps in wound healing.

CurinoTM is a natural plant active health supplement with technologically advanced bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology.

1 capsule twice daily with warm milk/water (morning/evening). Or as directed by qualified healthcare professional. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
Curcumin with Tinospora cordifolia Extract

Curino Plus is a synergistic combination of Curcumin and Tinospora cordifolia with bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology. Bioenhancer and metabolic activator technology enhances the passive diffusion and active transport mechanism through intestinal microvilli to improve Tinospora cordifolia absorption as well prevents its metabolic reduction through inhibition of P-gp efflux pump, ATPase activity, CYP3A4, CYP3AG and UGT.

Segment: Human OTC

Type: Capsule

Category: Immunomodulator , Other Specialty

Packaging: 30, 60 and 90 Capsules Container
1 Capsule
Curcumin extract 100 mg
Tinospora cordifolia 100 mg
Curcuminoids 95 mg
Alkaloids and Diterpenoid Bitters 10 mg
Fortified with Turmerone, Piperine and Cuminum cyminum
Reports suggest that Curcumin supplementation improves immunity & respiratory health, facilitates recovery during pain, inflammation, Rheumatoid arthritis and helps in wound healing.
CurinoTM is a natural plant active health supplement with technologically advanced bioenhancer and metabolic potentiator technology.
1 capsule twice daily with warm milk/water (morning/evening). Or as directed by qualified healthcare professional. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
5 Phyto-essentials with Extra Power of Vitamin D3 and Natural Milk Ingredients

Aurinko® Golden Milk Latte is an unique blend of powerful extracts of Curcumin, Ginger, Cinnamon, Piper Nigrum, Turmerone essential oil fortified with Vitamin D3 and natural milk ingredients. These Phytoactives enhances the value of milk and turns it a super health drink. Aurinko® Golden Milk Latte has been developed after extensive research by Phytoscientists and taste testers of Aurinko Healthcare.

Segment: Human OTC

Type: Powder

Category: Immunomodulator , Other Specialty

Packaging: 30 sachets in a unit carton
Each 4 gm sachet contains:
Curcumin 95 mg, Gingerols 10 mg,
Cinnamaldehyde 40 mg,
Lactose 250 mg,
Casein 160 mg
Fortified with Piperine, Turmerone & Vitamin D3
Prepares a fortified Super Health Drink Acts as rejuvenator and stress reliever. Strengthens body immunity and stabilizes cellular integrity. Enriched with antioxidants and immunity boosters.
Mix 1 sachet in a glass full of hot milk/water and consume once or twice daily. Or as directed by qualified healthcare professionals. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
Orodispersible Gut Acting Probiotic Food Supplement

Immulac is a delectable blend of 7 Gut Acting Probiotics to maintain intestinal pH, improve gut protection, promote healthy digestion and enhance gut immunity. Immulac improves biosynthesis of Vitamin B, Vitamin K & Folic acid. These gut acting probiotics produce bacteriocins to act against pathogenic microbes & reduces digestive disturbances.

Segment: Human OTC

Type: Powder

Category: Digestive , Other Specialty

Packaging: 2 g Sachet X 10 Sachet in one unit carton

Serving size 1 Packet (2g) Servings Per Container 10

Calories 6
Total Carbohydrate 1.70 gm

Blend of 7 gut acting probiotics 100 mg
(5 billion live cells)
Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus,
Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum
Saccharomyces boulardii, lactobacillus brevis,
Lactobacillus casei

Organic Inulin (FOS) (Fructooligosaccharides)

Other ingredients: Silicon dioxide

Digestives disturbances i.e. indigestion, diarrhea, constipation etc.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Improves gut immunity
1 sachet in luke warm water once or twice daily. Or as directed by qualified healthcare professional. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.
Supports Gut Immunity and Health

Immulac Power is an advanced formulation of 3 gut acting probiotics enriched with Fructo oligosaccharide to improve gut immunity and health.

Segment: Human OTC

Type: Capsule

Category: Digestive , Other Specialty

Packaging: 30, 60 and 90 Capsules Container
Each 500 mg Capsule contains:
Lactobacillus acidophilis 15 billion
Bifidobacterium longum 15 billion
Streptococcus thermophilus 15 billion
FOS 100 mg
Digestives disturbances i.e. indigestion, diarrhea, constipation etc.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Improves gut immunity
1 capsule in a day. Or as directed by qualified healthcare professional. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease.